How to fill knowledge gaps in advance swift IOS programming

7 min readSep 26, 2020


Popular belief is that every professional should from time to time carry out market research and self-assessment of skills. Find out which skills are the most important on the market. Decide whether to learn these skills in the short and the long term is feasible and interesting. Invest in your career, lastly. Education is an investment in itself, which can increase the market value if done correctly.In this article let us discuss the knowledge gap in IOS.

Knowledge gaps in advanced swift concepts of IOS:

Advanced swift IOS programming principles are things you might not even be familiar with. Learning these new topics is about correcting holes in your information and adding value to it. Prosperous developers are struggling to keep up with the demands of the industry and stay on a mastery course. Mastery for a software developer is a continuous improvement objective without limit. Developers can add enormous value to industry by staying fresh with their expertise and desire to learn. In return, committed developers will get a substantial payout for pay / salary / bonus /benefits. I have mentioned basic IOS concepts every IOS developer must know before getting into advanced IOS programming. The following concepts were essential to get into advanced ios

Xcode and interface builder:

Xcode is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provided free of charge by Apple Inc. and is the most important tool for the development of an swift IOS app. Xcode helps manage a project’s content and acts as a code editor with auto-completion assistance to type codes without typos. Interface Builder is a graphical tool within Xcode to visually design the app’s interface.

Cocoa touch IOS

Cocoa TouchCocoa touch is a UI system for designing IOS software programs.

Table Views IOS

Table views allow users to search through hierarchically structured data and provide an indexed view of objects.

View IOS App

View controls make up the skeleton of any switch IOS app. View IOS controllers also handle auto rotation and monitor resources, getting memory alerts from the OS when the memory starts to fill up.

Segues Storyboard

We use storyboards and Segues IOS Storyboards for visually evaluating the arrangement of screens in your app and the changes between them in the Interface Builder. As the project size increases, we can use several storyboards for displaying all of the app’s flow. Segues can be used to attach view controllers within storyboards to each other.

Auto Layout IOS

Apple introduced the Auto Layout to promote the development of dynamic interfaces that adapt to every screen size and orientation, enabling the app to run not just on iPhone but also on all other Apple devices.

Key value coding and IOS coding notifications

IOS communicates one to one through the common pattern of IOS design. There are situations where there is a need for two different types of communication. There are two different mechanisms for this, IOS.

Key Value Observation: The mechanism allows to alert objects about changes to specified properties of other objects.


Notifications function through notification centers that manage notification sending and receiving. Any object that wishes to register for a particular notification posted by other objects as an observer does so through a notification centre.

source management

Every project will need control over source, even if you are the only dev. The most prevalent are Git and SVN.SVN relies on a centralized version management system. It is a central repository where we make work copies. This access requires a network connection. Its access authorization is based on the path. It records changes by recording files, and the history of the change in the repository in full. Working copies contain only the newer edition.

Visual interface suggested Versions-Mac Subversion Client (SVN) versions, the first easy-to-use versions of Mac OS X Subversion client Git depends on a centralized version management system. You will have a local repository to work on, with a network link only needed for synchronization. Its access authorization is for the entire archive, records changes through content registration, and both repository and working copies have the full history of the change.


We use large varieties of patterns in the production of mobile phones, MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIPER etc. I will give you a brief overview of what is most commonly used in swift IOS development: MVC — Model Short,View( Display), Controller. The controller builds a connection between the Model and View that is unaware of one another. The View-Controller link is very tight-knit, so the controller ends up doing just about everything. What does it mean? Simply put, if you are constructing a complex view, your Controller will be incredibly big. There are ways to get around this but they disobey MVC laws. Checking will be a potential drawback of MVC. If you do tests (good on you!), you will probably just test the Pattern, because it is the only separate layer from the rest. The advantage of using the MVC template is that it is intuitive, and most IOS developers use it.

MVC — MVVM Visual Interface — Short for Screen, View and View Model. Bindings (reactive programming) are set between the View and the ViewModel, this allows the ViewModel to invoke changes to the Model, which then updates the ViewModel, automatically updating the View due to the bindings. The ViewModel does not know anything about the View, which makes testing simpler, and bindings reduce a lot of code.


IOS Architecture Patterns Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPERIt may not seem very relevant, but well designed and organized code may prevent a lot of headaches. At some point, a big mistake every developer commits is just getting to the desired outcome and failing to organize the code, under the impression that they save time. If you disagree, take it from my Benji man: one hour is won for every minute spent organizing.

Objective-C vs. swift IOS

When deciding which language you are programming your computer in, you need to know what language can bring to the table. Personally, I suggest to use swift IOS, if the choice is provided. Objective-C frankly has very little to benefit from swift IOS. Most of the examples and tutorials are written in Objective-C, and modifications to the paradigms are made to swift IOS with any update, which can be disheartening. However, these are issues which will eventually fade off.

Swift IOS really springs ahead of Objective c in many ways. It’s easy to read, it looks like natural English, and it avoids conventional conventions because it’s not C. To those who know Objective-C, this means no more semicolons; , method calls require no brackets, and no need for parentheses to cover conditional expressions.

Resources for advanced IOS developers:

The following are tools for advanced IOS programming which you may refer to.

Do not let the name confuse you. This is a great tool for the development of swift IOS. Notice that the content is more appropriate for the intermediate or advanced developer, covering anything from swift IOS libraries to compiler optimization.

IOS Goodies

IOS Goodies is like a treasure chest of knowledge about swift IOS. IOS Goodies, a weekly curate, gathers information published across the ‘net and covers a variety of IOS subjects, from Xcode cheats and tricks to trends and business advice.

World Wide Developer Conference Videos

WWDC is an annual event in California hosted by Apple where the software engineers share the latest technology. With your free AppleID, you’ll access hours of video footage from the meeting, covering a wide range of topics. Only change videos as APIs alter!


Frequently updated, NSHipster covers several widely overlooked topics in the swift IOS ecosystem, ranging from obscure Cocoa processes to open source applications. You are almost sure to learn anything new each week.

Ray Wenderlich

Ray tends to cover the content for beginners, from beginning to building games, including many swift IOS topics. Check out his tutorials as you embark on the wonderful IOS universe.


Subreddits are great places for communicating and sharing information with other swift IOS Developers. The subreddit IOS programming is an active community where you can ask questions, and obtain Feedback from other developers.

Apple’s swift IOS:

Yeah, that’s a given. It’s also a great resource for developers to be able to get the latest information about swift IOS. As the vocabulary of the swift IOS continues to evolve, regular check-in on the swift IOS blog will ensure you are the first person to learn about any improvements in syntactic or functional vocabulary. As they say, straight from the horse’s head.


Apart from having a variety of tutorials and generally useful content, AppCoda also has an active community of forums worth joining or reading on.

iOSDevWeekly and NatashaTheRobot

Both these are good weekly iOS post aggregators. iOSDevWeekly is more critical and Natasha is more fun but is still promoted to the same posts.


You can arrive at a conclusion on information gaps in Ios platform by reading this article. More awareness can be obtained through iOSonline training .

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